Uhah is not a state

Two lips one cockWhen we started dating our couple over a year ago both of us males had a bad habit.  We said “blow me” to much.  Now to understand what I mean by that is my wife didn’t really get off on giving blow jobs at the beginning.  She did it but she was still learning about sex.  So for me it was a way to say do this but I know you won’t.  When we opened up our marriage her mind expanded and she tried more things.  One was swallowing which she found she really enjoys.  She loves sucking cock. Now the power of blow me became less effective.  So when us guys say “blow me” now it is all we can do to keep their hands off our cocks. So one weekend we came up with some rules. Yes. We might have been drunk but hear me out.

Girls never forget anything. Most guys can attest to that. So when I say “blow” me the woman seems to recall date and time. So our primary rule is now You Have An Hour. Which we then shortened to UHAH. This also allowed us to use the phrase in public. Only the people that know what it means were aware which adds to the fun.  Ironically this happened at dinner with family and her parents shortly after we created this new term. Krystalla made some wise ass comment to which I quickly blurted out uhah. The look I got across the table was a flash of shock and then lust as she realized I just said “blow me” in front her family and no one new.

Unfortunately us men can be short sighted and if saying uhah to a girl that is 500 km away they really can’t get there in an hour. This is where they can offer up with tradsies.  If given a uhah to a woman(s) they can pass this to another woman that is in range to perform the deed.  As you guessed it us men countered with UHAH NO TRADSIES.  As you can see it has become more of a game since the girls now try to surprise us within the hour.

Again you men are saying why fight it?  We are not fighting it at all. We just want some fun with it. When our wives can’t get it they pout and then start to scheme. They have gotten very sneaky with getting the job done. As I mentioned before, it is more a game than denying them pleasure of my cock in there mouth.  The ultimate goal is the same but the fun on getting there is why we do this now.

So for the men that want to have some fun share this with your wife.  Can be a lot of fun if you wife loves cock.





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