Leading up to Vacation

In a week I will be in Cuba.  Finally I can start to think about the up coming vacation.  The past few weeks I have been focused solely on the surprise party for Krystalla.  As much as I wanted to be excited for Cuba, I was not trying to think about it since I had to focus on the planning for the party.  This is really my first surprise party that I have thrown, and it went off very well.  She had no idea, and with that I felt I accomplished what I set out to do.  Granted, there is a difference from what she did to me having my fwb driving nine hours to show up, but I managed to have a house full of people to surprise her.  Even her boy toy showed up, which we sold as being away in Ottawa for the weekend.  The shock on her face was priceless.

Even though it was a vanilla party, majority of the people knew or are in the lifestyle.  It made for some very interesting conversations.  And the inside jokes that flew around, even had me blushing.  It is rare to that I blush, and more that I couldn’t respond the way I normally do.  The woman were feeling no pain within hours, and as the evening went on the laughter got louder and louder.  I could go through all the details but to be honest, there was nothing really that stood out.  We laughed, joked, drank and enjoyed everyone’s company.

Well there is a few things that did happen that I will mention.  My fwb were here and they meet either my other fwb or the quad.  It was not something I thought about to much till pretty much when the party started.  I knew that everyone that was invited would fit into the group.  I wouldn’t invite someone who wouldn’t, since I didn’t want the conflict or drama.  New friendships were made and who knows, maybe more?

I have said this multiple times, and I will say it again.  THANK YOU to everyone who came, helped, drove long distances and made the event the best it could be.  Without your support and help it would have never worked.  Now that I have thanked everyone for the hundredth time, it is on to my other new project.

During this past week I have been thinking long and hard about a project that was brought up with my poly wife.  We have discussed writing a book off and on since we first started being together.  I recently came across a process that would allow me to get it published once it has been written.  I have no idea if I can do this by myself, which at this point is how I want to proceed.  Creating the outline quickly and a synopsis that should work for the overall story arc was pretty easy actually.  The fun part is going to put it to paper, so over my vacation I will see if I can do that.  I will have time like sitting at the airport, on the beach, and late evenings after rounds of sex.  Sharing what I write will be an option within my group, but it will not be published anywhere on this blog.  Creative input is always good and I trust my friends around me on creating this fantasy and putting it to paper.

So there is my current plans for next few weeks.  Packing, vacation and hopefully writing a book.  No I won’t finish the book over the week during the vacation, but it should allow me to get a good start.  Knowing this now I am starting to get into vacation mode.  Work will be busy this week since I have to get everything caught up and completed.  Then there is the packing, planning and making sure that everything is in place while we are away.  Busy week, but not as stressful as the past few.






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