Busy time of year

I have not posted much in the past week or so.  Not that I haven’t wanted too, although I have not had much on my mind at the moment.  Most of the topics that I have written about have been from questions posed on twitter or directly to me and the past month it has been pretty quiet.  Well that front has been quiet, everything else has been crazy.

Work has been out of control for sheer volume and has caused me to be more quiet during the day.  With it so busy I need to unwind which means I am on the xbox blowing shit up.  With the few new games out recently it has made my wife an xbox widow again.  That and she has been pmsing and sick so I have been staying away to avoid any chance on getting ill.

So with that said I have started to finish off a few drafts that I have started long ago to be posted.  One of them is the long over due erotica that is based on a night encounter.  I have started to do the final pass on review which has taken time since coming back to the story after a period of time allows the errors and problems to be pretty clear.  I am hoping that with no major distractions I can get it done by end of the week.

Well week is almost over than on to thanksgiving.  Funny note is that thanksgiving is the anniversary of our opening up our relationship.  Will need to discuss the anniversary, maybe even have my wife help with the article.






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