Tag: online dating

  • All the same things with a twist

    Well I was quiet on Nov 11th for a couple of reasons.  One is that it is remembrance day, so I did try to stay off the social media out of respect for our veterans.  Plus I was on the hunt for some pussy.  It is rare to have the house empty, no kids or…

  • The search begins, again…

    Since mid summer I have been looking for new blood. Using a couple of sites I thought I would at least have some luck. Not the case, as I found out. So I have created another account on another site. I am not going to divulge which site it is, but to be fair I…

  • Scream from the roof tops

    So I bet when you read that title you were thinking something dirty.  Like having your partner on the roof and giving it to you as your whole neighbourhood watched.  Well that is not the case although that does give me some dirty thoughts 😉  Plus I don’t think it would be the safest place…

  • Horny and no place to Fuck

    When the woman are horny at the same time, chatting on my phone, it can get maddening.  I can’t satisfy them and it gets frustrating.  Yes I have my wife to help with that, but the reason why I have fwb is to, well fuck them.  I just can’t call them over to help their…

  • Men are simple creatures and shatter easily

    My question really is why are the woman not chasing the men? With the alias you are not giving away any information. You can block anyone at any time if you feel that you don’t want to talk to them.

  • PermaGrin is a real thing

    What I didn’t foresee is that when you have a hardon in shorts the tent is very noticeable. You can not cover the parking lot without it being noticed. Hmmm, maybe the teenage girls would have liked that?

  • Online pay dating sites seems broken

    I have been asked recently about dating sites and how do I find woman that are interested. This is a tricky question since the online world has evolved from my early bbs chat days. Back then it was new and exciting and you can hide behind a screen name. Now a days it is big…