Birthday Milestones

Today is Krystalla’s birthday.  She finally has hit the milestone mark that I did a few years ago.  For me back then it was the beginning of a lot of things.  That year I started to take Jiu Jitsu to lose weight.  It was also the year that she wanted to explore other cock.  The beginning of our adventures started when I hit that milestone, and after the few years we are now here at her milestone.

She has two men that love her to death.  She has a third that is blossoming into a relationship that will fill her needs as well.  As it has been discussed numerous times before, I am not cut from the same cloth as her two other men.  I have never been into bdsm, at least in the way that they are.  They can manipulate the toys and instruments and make her squirm and moan in pleasure.  I have seen first hand some of this, and it is an amazing sight.  It didn’t turn me on, not even a little.  At times I was a little lost watching but the joy I got from seeing my wife enjoying herself is something that you really can’t describe.  Not to mention telling anyone outside of our group would think I was nuts.  You let him do what to your wife?  I have seen the bruises and marks after, and I am proud of my wife.  Funny to hear that isn’t it.  I wouldn’t think I would be saying that a few years ago.

You see I don’t own my wife.  I never have.  Oh I jokingly tried over the years, but in reality that is now how our relationship works.  One of the reasons that I appreciate my wife is because of one thing.  She never got jealous of me looking at other women.  Even when we dated or after we got married she never got mad.  She knew it was who I was.  She even started to comment on them, or a hot guy.  It was a relationship where we can do our thing, express our selves and not have that dominating ownership that I have seen in other relationships.  I am not saying that either is right or wrong, but this is what works for us.

This is probably the one reason why our adventure has worked so well these past few years.  We love each other unconditionally.  We also appreciate that we can share each other with others and not worry about it.  Don’t get me wrong, there were hurdles we had to clear, and some long discussions at nights sometimes, but it was more to reaffirm on what we were experiencing.  You see the biggest thing in this is that you don’t like surprises.  Surprises, that affect the other spouse/partner usually ends up in drama.  If there is no surprises (although I did get a surprise on my birthday which I still don’t know how to top) and communication is kept up things work out very well.  Surprisingly a little too well.  Over the past few years I have now a few women who I consider good friends.  She has been reserved a bit more, but still has found more than what she expected.

This post is not about our quad, or anyone outside of it.  This is about my wife, who has supported me, surprised me, made me laugh, cry and bewildered at times over the past 20 years.  She has provided me with two loving boys, allowed me to adopt to furry ones that she has taken on as her own too.  I couldn’t have found a better person to spend my life with, and share her with our friends as well.  She has grown and changed in the last five years to become who I saw so many years ago.  The shield has been dropped, the walls torn down and the foundation and walls being built back up.  She is still my friend and wife so many years ago, but who she has become is so much more.  She will always be my first, primary, lover, friend and companion and without her I do not see me being half of who I am.

Now wipe away the tears that are welling up in your eyes and wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!





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