Tag: love

  • A stab at Definitions

    Discussions surrounding poly, friends with benefit, open marriage and other areas has lead to me thinking more about my definitions. Like everything this is my personal opinion based on discussions with numerous different people, male and female in the lifestyle.

  • Love, Life, and the lifestyle

    I haven’t had to explain my situation of late.  When I do the hardest part for people to understand is why?  My girlfriend wrote Why Poly? Why Not? recently regarding this and I would like to expand on it a bit too.  Well more add my two cents about my thoughts and experiences.

  • Birthday Milestones

    Today is Krystalla’s birthday.  She finally has hit the milestone mark that I did a few years ago.  For me back then it was the beginning of a lot of things.  That year I started to take Jiu Jitsu to lose weight.  It was also the year that she wanted to explore other cock.  The…