Category: Personal Insight

  • Don’t ask if you don’t want the answer

    Okay this has been brewing for a while now and I really have to get this off my chest. Well that and the 6th drink has made me a little drunk. We selectively tell people who we can trust in handling that we are swingers in open marriage. Reason why is that people can behave…

  • The Hunt

    I have told my wives that when I used to date that it was the hunt and the kill that drove me. To a degree it is the same now, although more complicated with two wives, fwb and such. Here is a play on words regarding the hunt when I was younger.

  • Fake or Stealing is so pathetic

    It has not happened to me often, I think only once.  Some time ago someone thought that my cock was so good that they should use it for themselves.  It was noticed by one of our followers and I got a private message regarding it.  Politely my few woman that love me suggested that it…

  • Men are simple creatures and shatter easily

    My question really is why are the woman not chasing the men? With the alias you are not giving away any information. You can block anyone at any time if you feel that you don’t want to talk to them.

  • Zombie brains and trying to think

    Well having only four hours sleep is not a great thing.  Granted I have gone to work with 2 hours sleep and that is literally like walking as a zombie.  Mind is slow and not responsive and trying to think about anything is near impossible.  So having four hours sleep I figured I was doing good.…

  • Benefits and the strings that don’t exist

    friends with benefits and no strings attached is a complicated matter, even when there is supposed to be no strings.

  • Reliving a story is great for the mind

    As I mentioned last week I am working recounting a sexy night with someone. This makes it hard to do since I am no just making it up but working with the content from my memory.  So I have to think of what happened over and over again. Needless to say it has made me a…

  • Women don’t take simple answers.

    I have been asked why I don’t post more my internal thoughts and feelings. I think this will explain why I guard my thoughts and statements more so now than in the past.

  • Juggling all these balls is challenging

    Emotions, wives, fwb is a lot to handle.

  • Welcome to the swing, just don’t fall off

    There is no rule book or guideline to read.  I have mentioned this a few times in my previous blogs.  This makes the lifestyle unique since there are only two rules that are common with all couples.  Respect and Honesty.  These two points are mandatory if you plan to make the lifestyle work. Respect is…