Dr Sweets in the house

It is in my nature to help.  Probably why I am in the role that I can’t seem to get out of at work.  Just who I am I guess, been doing it for so long that it is second nature to me.

This has also carried over into my personal life, more on the relationships that I have built.  Each new girl that I meet seems to have something that they want to talk about.  What they don’t know is that I am extremely good at getting people to talk about anything!  Even had one girl that is a friend of ours tell me about her sex life before marriage.  She even stated, “I don’t know why I am telling you this.”  I am easy to talk to and with that I am able to have people open up to me.  Seems that I have become kind of a sounding board which is fine with me, I enjoy it.

Now I am not saying my advice is the solution.  Heck I am going on what I have experienced, or what I perceive is right or wrong.  Most things that have been discussed in detail are issues or questions that they have.  Some nights it feels that I am counselling more than talking.  I really don’t mind.  It gives me insight into the person on how they feel and if I can provide some advice that is outside of the situation then I will do my best.  Like I said I love to help, and if that means spending an evening texting with someone about an issue, I have no problems in doing that.

It also allows me to come up with new blog posts.  Majority of the posts on here are because of conversations I have had with woman (or men).  They open my mind to questions that I may not have thought of, or situations that I have not directly been involved with.  And because of that I have material that I can reflect on and write up my thoughts on it.  Hopefully it helps with others that might have the same questions or problems.

With that I have a few more posts that I am working on, one that will take some time since it involves a little bit of research.  Others that I should be able to do fairly easily since some topics have touched on areas that I have experienced.  If you have any thoughts or questions, you can reach me on my site under the contact page or drop me a note on twitter @sweetgunnar.





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